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Women’s Health: XProject





Positive Provocation

One campaign that has become a movement.

Our approach

Today’s healthcare systems have been built around data that to a large degree has been shaped and collected by men, leading to systemic blindness in the experiences and needs of women. Knowledge gaps in women’s health have contributed to poor health outcomes for women across the world.

It’s time to change that. We wanted to stir conversations about inequalities in Women’s health and highlight the facts to change them.


XProject is a 3-year program to generate tangible, systemic change addressing inequalities faced by women through transformative partnerships; enhance Roche’s reputation as a leading voice in Women’s Health in support of their commitment to transforming healthcare and their mission of doing now what patients need next.

Our goals are to raise awareness through media partnerships and engaging the right audiences. We aimed to generate interest and attention around challenging conversations while building a community.


We started by posting #NotSoFunFacts on social media – a collection of statistics, that makes the inequalities glaringly obvious. Once our facts caught our audience’s attention, we then followed up with a powerful film, supported by various cutdowns to explain why the knowledge gap exists, and why there is a need for XProject.

Our call to action was for women to share their own experiences and stories with us. With the help of local influencers from various countries, we reached a much wider audience of women, and the stories flooded in.


Over 600 women submitted their health stories to the XProject website, where they were shared and published. More than 200 inquiries & conversations sparked with a growing community of determined players.

6.5 Mio
Visits to XProject site
833 Mio
Social Media Impressions

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