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Wavemaker Talks – Black & Proud


A  four-part podcast series written, produced, hosted by Wavemaker Roots. It will feature some very special guests including Nadja Bellan-White, as well as some of our very own Wavemakers. The series will delve into a vast range of topics and issues facing Black people in the UK right now, as well as industry matters to provoke thoughts and questions. Often the history taught in schools focuses on slavery and Black American history, omitting all the amazing things Black people have done throughout history. This month we’ll be taking everyone on a journey of discovery, education and growth, whilst celebrating all the amazing things that encompass being Black, British and proud!

Episode 1: We need better education

In our first episode, we look into why there is lack of knowledge around black British history specifically, and the impact of this on modern Black British culture. We’ll also be discussing who’s responsibility it is to learn such history and the importance of being curious.

Listen to episode 1

Episode 2: What a year we’ve had

In this episode, we took a deeper dive into the current affairs surrounding black British people including Black Lives Matter, allyship and how we move forward. We’ll also be discussing how to have the difficult conversations and #blackouttuesday.

Listen to episode 2

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