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Wavemaker wins L’Oréal media AOR in Thailand

Wavemaker has won the media AOR for L’Oreal in Thailand, adding two new scopes in digital lead media and paid search.

We we’re impressed by by the level of commitment and enthusiasm which Wavemaker Thailand has demonstrated throughout the pitch process. Our decisions was based on the team’s strategic approach and understanding of our business, forming the foundation of our partnership. We look forward to closely collaborating with Wavemaker.

l’oréal thailand Representative 

Christina Vacharanetr, Managing Director Wavemaker Thailand said “We’re proud to continue to grow our partnership with L’Oreal Thailand, a company with a strong passion for beauty for Thai women. L’Oreal is constantly challenging and evolving the way we work together to drive their business performance. Our strong purchase journey understanding alongside our OS has enabled Wavemaker to become strategic consultants in the marketing strategy, digital and data sphere.”

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