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Bilibili drives Ford’s Lincoln to live streaming success

Celebrations are underway to mark 100 years of Lincoln, Ford’s luxury vehicle division. A slew of promotions have launched and it is historic meets new age, with Lincoln launching its virtual live streaming offering on Bilibili. Users can experience the newly launched family member, Lincoln Z – aptly titled, considering Bilibili’s strong Generation Z presence.

Bilibili innovates in the form of live streaming interaction, providing a customised platform of virtual interaction for users. The platform’s base is majority Generation Z, allowing Lincoln to position itself among this crucial demographic. With this in mind, the messaging behind this promotion is to allow every young person to have a car – even if it is virtually.

Influenced by the pandemic, virtual interaction in digital communities is increasingly coming into vogue among younger generations. Lincoln has transitioned from the traditional live broadcast form of ‘you talk, I watch’ and employed the closed chain of ‘theatre-style virtual experiences’ that triggers interest and interaction.

With this innovative car launch, Lincoln has certainly received the green light from Generation Z. The interaction received over 150% engagement compared to regular live broadcasts on the platform, with the peak popularity exceeding 3.5 million, and even topping the outdoor division ranking.

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