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Expert View: Creativity in Quarantine? How brands are reacting to the COVID-19 crisis, edition five


If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last week, it’s that it doesn’t matter what type of product you are; every brand is now, or needs to be, a service offering.

It’s no longer about simply delivering a cleaning tool, a spice for a particular dish, a chair for a newly-created at-home office, or a beauty product; consumers are reevaluating how, when, where, and why they use nearly every brand and product, while simultaneously looking for creative solutions to new problems COVID-19 has created. We are now, as marketers, all in the service industry when it comes to what we deliver to consumers via our marketing and media tactics.



  1. Supporting the frontline
  2. Repositioning productivity
  3. Aiding the vulnerable
  4. Amplifying WHO advice
  5. Carrying on at home
  6. Maximizing moments that matter
  7. Redefining channel entertainment
  8. Scabs vs. scars
  9. Making the most of milestones

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