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Influencer x Retail Media: The new Dynamic Duo


This article was first published in NewDigitalAge on 14 August 2024.

As the buzz around Retail Media grows ever-louder, inventory is expanding at such a rate that your brand should already be testing version 2.0. This ecommerce upgrade combines two power players: Retail Media + Influencer-Produced Content (IPC). In testing with our own clients we’re already seeing new levels of success. Why? Because this dynamic duo unlocks access to audiences in active buying mode, moments from the buy button, triggering sales and building brand affinity by delivering recommendations from a trusted source.

Global Retail Media ad spend is expected to reach $140 billion by the end of 2024, up 21.8% year-on-year. This surge is being driven by advertisers capitalising on the unique advantage it offers: the ability to target shoppers using first-party data and connect with them at that precise moment of purchase consideration.

Traditionally, retailer sites were not seen as creative spaces for brands. But things have changed; retailers now recognise the importance of brand storytelling on both product display pages and in media formats. For advertisers, this has led to an increased focus on branded content that aligns with their broader marketing campaigns.

Of course, it’s not as simple as just adding IPC to your brand’s page on retailer sites. First your pages need to be retail-ready, forensically optimised for a great customer experience; and second the right traffic-driving measures need to be put in place.

For example, even the best-looking, best-placed ad will fall short if your brand page lacks credibility. 79% of people say user-generated content (UGC) impacts their purchasing decisions, with over 56% of consumers only considering reviews posted in the last month, and just 52% of consumers trusting retail reviews. This is where IPC comes into its own.

Influencers have cultivated strong, trusting relationships with their followers, who value their recommendations. By integrating IPC into Retail Media campaigns, brands can tap into this trust. Placing influencer video content on your pages improves the experience for customers by letting them see products demonstrated in real-life scenarios, increasing conversions. This triangle of on-site endorsement – from brand, influencers and consumers – creates a compelling case for potential buyers, effectively guiding them through the Purchase Journey.

At GroupM we have been experimenting with this intersection. In the US, Mindshare placed IPC content for their client Dove’s Pink Beauty Bar on its Walmart product pages, while on-site ads promoted the bar’s benefits. This combination of brand messaging, alongside lifestyle videos of the product in use, have helped to generate nearly 3000 reviews and an average rating of 4.8 stars, a clear success story.

Wavemaker US developed a full-funnel Retail Media campaign on Amazon to drive subscriptions for another client. The results showed that shoppers who were aware of the campaign, and had a positive bias towards the brand, were 68% more likely to convert than those who were not. This led the team to implement Streaming TV, Amazon Live and display media for brand-building, paired with Amazon Share of Voice (SOV) packages to maximise awareness. Influencers in the Amazon Live segments included core reasons to buy in their descriptions of the product, aligning with the brand message. This strategy led to a 41% increase in total subscriptions.

Beyond immediate sales, the integration of Retail Media and IPC cultivates lasting brand affinity. Consistent exposure to authentic influencer endorsements fosters a sense of trust and connection, positioning brands as preferred choices in their categories.

By leveraging the dynamic duo of Retail Media and IPC, brands can elevate their marketing efforts, driving short-term wins and long-term brand loyalty.

Coming to Retail Media in 2025

Media agencies, retailers and brands are still in the test-and-learn stage of Retail Media 2.0, but get ready to take advantage of these benefits in 2025:

  • Better brand storytelling: Retailers are embracing creative brand storytelling, making their sites more than just a purchase point, but stages for brands to shine.
  • IPC + UGC driving conversions: Quality IPC and UGC significantly impact purchase decisions, boosting consumer trust and conversions.
  • Authenticity fuels loyalty: Credible influencer endorsements and engaging content drive sales and build lasting brand loyalty in a hyper-competitive market.


  1. Emarketer. Review stats:*1r73xha*_gcl_au*nzuxody4mde4lje3mja0nde5nzgumtkzody2odq2mi4xnzixotkymzewlje3mje5otizmta.*_ga*mjexodk5nti2mi4xnzixotkymza2*_ga_xxylhb9sxg*mtcymtk5mjmwns4xljeumtcymtk5mzgzmy42mc4wlja.
  2. Retail Media global spend projection:
  3. UGC affecting decisions:
Adrienne Rowland
Senior Ecommerce Manager
Clare Dobson
Global Platform & Influencer Lead

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