GroupM Romania, a division of WPP, released recently its’ TYNY (This Year Next Year) report for 2020. The report offers the most recent data and predictions related to the evolution of the advertising market for this year, compared with the previous one.
One particular aspect to note is that this year the online marketing investments have exceeded the offline/traditional channel ones, reaching 53% Share of budget compared to last year’s 47% on a global level.
For the local market, the most dominant channels remain TV, with approximately 65% share, and online with 20%,contrary to the reversed order of investments globally. According to our estimations, the local TV market will see a 8.5% decline in 2020 and the online market a 6.9% decrease. The International numbers show that the decline will be steeper in the Western part of Europe and less in the two biggest advertising markets: US (-7.5%) and China (-2.8%).
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